[8/28]Community Response for Health: A Critical Pillar to Attain Universal Health Coverage

[TICAD Official Side Event/Room B05]
Community Response for Health
A Critical Pillar to Attain Universal Health Coverage
Date: 3:30 pm to 5 pm, August 28 (Wed)
B05 Room, Exhibition Hall, Pacifico Yokohama

Address: 1-1-1 Minato-Mirai, Nishi-Ku, Yokohama City, Japan

Registration: https://forms.gle/ncsBVSHT4iwExePy6 

(日本語はこちら=Japanese is here)
Presentation 1: Making UHC a reality in Africa
Ms. Rosemary Mburu (Executive Director, WACI Health, Kenya)

Presentation 2: Unpacking Community solutions to reach socially marginalised and hard to reach communities
Ms. Olive Mumba (Executive Director, East Arican National Networks of AIDS Service Organizations (EANNASO), Tanzania)

Presentation 3: Community Response for health in West Africa
Ms. Yogbare Lea Ida Savadogo (Program Officer, Reseau Acces aux Medicaments Essentiels, Burkina Faso)
“All individuals and communities receive the health services they need without suffering financial hardship”; itis the definition of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Community responses for health is a critical pillar to achieve UHC by ensuring access to health for all, leaving no one behind, and develop a culture to prioritize everybody’s life and health.

Especially, it is the most effective to develop sustainable community response for health to realize the universal health coverage which includes communities that are socially marginalized or hard to reach.

In this event, 3 key advocates working on health in continental and regional level will provide presentations on UHC and community responses for health in East and West Africa. We will learn from them about the concrete cases, projects and policy advocacy to mainstream community responses for health in universal health coverage.